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Service Policies and Guidelines



All services provided by Medius are for informational purposes only and do not replace professional medical diagnosis or treatment. This service supports the delivery of medical referral letters to Korean medical professionals based on the health information and symptoms provided by the customer. However, the final decisions on diagnosis, treatment methods, and medical care are the responsibility of the respective medical institution and healthcare providers.

While Medius strives to ensure that the medical referral letters and other information provided are accurate and reliable, it does not assume legal responsibility for any medical decisions or outcomes based on this information. Additionally, the service that explains test records and medication information issued by hospitals is provided as a reference for better understanding and does not substitute for professional medical advice or guidance.

We strongly recommend consulting with a medical professional regarding all health-related matters. Medius is not liable for any adverse effects or damages resulting from self-treatment or misdiagnosis by the customer.

'Service Policies and Guidelines' 카테고리의 다른 글

Medius Refund Policy  (0) 2024.09.06
Privacy Policy  (0) 2024.09.06
Medius Terms of Service  (0) 2024.09.06