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Service Policies and Guidelines

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Medius places the highest priority on protecting customers' personal information and ensures its secure handling in compliance with relevant laws. Below is Medius' policy regarding the collection, use, storage, and protection of personal information.

Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

Medius collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide better services to customers. The collected information is used for the following purposes:

  • Creation of medical referral letters and provision of medical information
  • Explanation of hospital test records and medication information
  • Handling and support of customer inquiries related to the service

Types of Personal Information Collected

Medius may collect the following information:

  • Basic information: name, contact information, email address, date of birth, etc.
  • Health-related information: health status, symptoms, past medical history, etc.
  • Other necessary information related to medical referrals
  • Hospital test records and prescription records required for medical consultation

Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information

Personal information is retained for the period necessary to provide the service. After the legally mandated retention period has passed, the information will be securely destroyed.

  • Medical referral letters and provision of medical information: 1 year after service completion
  • Other mandatory retention periods required by law

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

In principle, Medius does not provide customers' personal information to external parties. However, personal information may be provided to third parties with the customer's consent or as required by law.

  • Recipients: Korean medical institutions and healthcare providers (with customer consent)
  • Purpose: Delivery of medical referral letters and provision of medical services
  • Provided information: Health status, symptoms, past medical history, and other necessary information for treatment

Technical and Managerial Measures for Personal Information Protection

Medius implements the following measures to ensure the secure handling of personal information:

  • Encryption of personal information and operation of secure servers
  • Restriction of access to personal information and staff training
  • Physical security measures to prevent leakage, damage, or theft of personal information

Customer Rights

Customers have the right to request access, correction, deletion, or suspension of the processing of their personal information at any time, and Medius will respond promptly. For any inquiries regarding personal information, customers may contact Medius' Data Protection Officer.

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Disclaimer  (2) 2024.09.06
Medius Refund Policy  (0) 2024.09.06
Medius Terms of Service  (0) 2024.09.06