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Service Policies and Guidelines

Medius Terms of Service

Medius Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms") are established to define the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between Medius (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and the users (hereinafter referred to as "the Users") in relation to the use of services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided by the Company.

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms is to define the rights and obligations of the Company and the Users in relation to the use of all services provided by the Company.

Article 2 (Definitions)

  • Service: Refers to services provided by the Company, including the creation of medical referral letters, provision of medical information, and explanation of test records and medication information issued by hospitals.
  • User: Refers to individuals or entities that agree to these Terms and use the services provided by the Company.
  • Account: Refers to the information, such as an email and password, set up by the User to access the Service.

Article 3 (Effectiveness and Modification of the Terms)

  • These Terms become effective when the User agrees to them during the service registration process.
  • The Company may modify these Terms as necessary, and any changes will be notified through an announcement. The modified Terms will take effect within seven days of the announcement.

Article 4 (Provision and Modification of Services)

  • The Company provides the following services to Users:
    • Creation and delivery of medical referral letters
    • Explanation of medical test records and medication information issued by hospitals
  • The Company may modify, add, or delete services as necessary and will notify Users in advance.

Article 5 (Service Fees)

  • The Service is provided on a paid basis, and Users must pay the fees set by the Company. Discounted prices may apply during the beta service period.
  • Refunds for service fees will be processed according to the Company’s refund policy.

Article 6 (User Obligations)

  • Users must comply with these Terms and applicable laws and must not engage in the following activities:
    • Providing false information
    • Misusing others' personal information
    • Improper use of the Service
    • Interfering with the operation of the Company's Service
  • Users must ensure that the information they provide is accurate and up-to-date, and must notify the Company immediately if their personal information changes.

Article 7 (Company Obligations)

  • The Company is obligated to provide continuous and stable services in accordance with the applicable laws and these Terms.
  • The Company takes appropriate security measures to protect Users' personal information in accordance with its privacy policy.

Article 8 (Termination and Service Usage Restriction)

  • Users may terminate their use of the Service at any time, and all information provided by the User will be immediately deleted upon termination.
  • The Company may restrict or terminate a User's access to the Service if the User violates these Terms or interferes with the operation of the Service.

Article 9 (Disclaimer)

  • The Company is not responsible for the following:
    • Diagnostic and treatment outcomes based on incorrect information provided by the User
    • Technical issues arising during the use of the Service
    • Service interruptions caused by natural disasters or force majeure
  • The Company is not legally responsible for diagnoses or treatments provided by medical institutions, as these are the responsibility of each medical institution.

Article 10 (Privacy Protection)

  • The Company complies with applicable laws to protect Users' personal information and safeguards it in accordance with its privacy policy.

Article 11 (Dispute Resolution)

  • Disputes related to these Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
  • In the event of a dispute between the User and the Company, both parties shall attempt to resolve the dispute through mutual consultation. If a resolution cannot be reached, the Seoul Central District Court shall have jurisdiction.

Addendum These Terms are effective as of September 6, 2024.

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