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“Time to Start Exercising”: 5 Warning Signs from Your Body

 Many people today complain that they simply don't have time to exercise. Even those who manage to sign up for a gym often find themselves going through the motions without really committing to hard workouts.

If this continues, you may find yourself with a body that isn't as fit as you'd like. According to ThisIsInsider.com, here are five signs from your body indicating that it’s time to start exercising more seriously:

  1. You Always Feel Tired
    Studies show that regular exercise can make you feel more alert and energetic throughout the day. Even a short walk during lunch or setting aside time for brief workouts can help you feel less fatigued and more awake.
  2. You Struggle with Push-Ups
    Push-ups are a great exercise to test your physical fitness, as they engage your back, shoulders, arms, and core muscles. While the exact standard can vary by age and gender, those under 50 should generally aim to complete at least 5–10 push-ups to maintain a healthy physique.
    If you can only do one or two, don’t be discouraged. Start by doing push-ups on your knees, and as you build strength, switch to full push-ups.
  3. You’ve Gained Belly Fat
    While weight alone isn’t a perfect measure of health, an increase in abdominal fat is a clear sign that your body isn’t in its best shape. Excess belly fat is often linked to abdominal obesity, which can negatively affect the heart, kidneys, liver, digestive system, and pancreas.
    Men with a waist circumference over 40 inches (101.6 cm) and women over 35 inches (88.9 cm) are at higher risk for health problems.
  4. You Get Winded Climbing Stairs
    Even people who exercise regularly may find themselves short of breath when climbing stairs because this activity demands more oxygen. However, if climbing stairs leaves you extremely winded or exhausted, this may be a sign of poor cardiovascular health.
    In such cases, regular aerobic exercises, such as walking or jogging for 30 minutes five days a week, can help improve your stamina. Over time, as you increase the intensity of your workouts, you'll find it easier to climb stairs.
  5. You Crave Sugary Foods
    Contrary to what you might expect, studies suggest that regular exercise can actually reduce cravings for food, especially sugary snacks. Research on young adults showed that those who exercised consistently had little interest in food immediately after working out.
    On the other hand, those who rarely exercised experienced strong cravings for sugary treats. If you often find yourself reaching for sugary snacks, it could be a sign that your body needs more exercise. Regular physical activity helps regulate your appetite and reduce sugar cravings.


Your body often gives subtle but clear signals when it needs more physical activity. Feeling constantly tired, struggling with basic exercises like push-ups, accumulating belly fat, getting winded by minor exertion, and craving sugary foods are all signs that you may need to incorporate more exercise into your routine. By paying attention to these signs and making exercise a regular part of your life, you can improve your overall health and fitness, leading to a more energetic and balanced lifestyle.



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